Current Age: 5 Years 10 Months (born on 4/19/2019)
Fence Required: Yes
Housetrained: Yes
Exercise Needs: Moderate
Grooming Needs: Moderate
Shedding Amount: Moderate
Owner Experience Needed: Breed
Reaction to New People: Friendly
COPPER and CHIEF are sable merle littermates that are 4 yrs of age. They have been very loved and well cared for in their previous lives and this is very hard on their family giving them up. They are larger boys (54-55#), completely vetted, and they even love children. They are fine with their own family cats but will chase a stray that comes into their territory. They have had a summer hair cut, but it's already growing back nicely. A FENCED YARD MANDATORY and they WILL NOT BE SEPARATED.
More about COPPER & CHIEF
Good with Dogs, Good with Cats, Good with Older/Considerate Kids Only, Good with Adults, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained, Playful, Affectionate
Other Pictures of COPPER & CHIEF (click to see larger version):